The energy crisis does not appear to be a central topic for evangelical churches and there are only a few articles written in the past years on related subjects such as global warming or creation care.
Read MoreReaching Europe with the Gospel requires us to face up to an uncomfortable truth: Europe is still being secularised. Understanding the processes of secularisation is a vital part of discerning how Europe might be re-evangelised. This issue of Vista explores how large scale surveys such as the European Values survey help us do just that,
Read MoreDr David Voas is Chair of the European Values Survey Theory Group, who are responsible for developing the questionnaires, and a member of their Executive Committee. We spoke to Dr Voas about his work with EVS and asked him to reflect on our analysis of the 2017-2020 data.
Read MoreThere are many factors affecting the outcomes of surveys such as the European Values Survey, European Social Studies (ESS) and the Pew Forum Research Reports. In this article we look at some of these factors, to help s understand the nuances of the religious landscape in Europe.
Read MoreCOVID-19 restrictions are posing challenges for missionaries in Europe and across the globe. In late April, the Vista editors asked Darrell Jackson to develop a questionnaire to explore the response of two European mission agencies: European Christian Mission (ECM) and Greater Europe Mission (GEM).
Read More“Our vision for Vista has always been to make solid research-based information on mission in Europe available to everyone who needs it.” Jim Memory looks back at 10 years and 35 editions of Vista
Read MoreIn February/March 2017 we carried out a small-scale survey to find out more about the networks you, our Vista readers, are involved in.
Read MoreHow concerned are people living in the EU about the environment – and what do they think should be done to address these concerns? This was the focus of a Eurobarometer survey carried out in 2014 across all EU member states.
Read MoreMuch of the current debate about European migration policy resembles a game of political ping-pong with claim and counter-claim advanced, argued, and entrenched. The debate is not helped by a general lack of reasonably accurate statistics.
Read MoreThe values and beliefs of European students are often assumed rather than known. As a result the gospel of Jesus Christ is sometimes expressed in terms which make little sense to today’s European students.
Read MoreIn the mid-1990s I attended a UK conference of educators and school chaplains. Many questions were addressed but one was left unresolved, probably the most important question; ‘What exactly is spirituality?’
Read MoreOne person’s viewpoint alone however well informed, can never give a true picture of what is happening; particularly in a continent as diverse as Europe. What is needed are thoughtful and perceptive insights into the realities of mission practice across Europe - from those engaged in mission. In other words, Europe needs “reflective practitioners
Read MoreIn the last decade the term ‘missional’ has become a prominent focus among American, Australian and British authors. The missional conversation is often misunderstood or even dismissed as a new recipe for making struggling churches successful.
Read MoreBetween January and March 2012, I carried out some small-scale research amongst 18-30 year-old Christian Europeans, in order to discover their perceptions of a missional lifestyle
Read MoreChurch planting is often claimed to be the most effective form of evangelism, or the surest way to impact a community for God, yet can this claim be justified? And just what do we mean by effectiveness?
Read MoreOne hundred and twenty-five million Europeans claim that their religious convictions influence their political choices
Read MoreWhile Europe as a whole may be seen as increasingly secular, there are a surprising number of mentions of God, the church and religion in the constitutions of individual countries. The table below gives an overview
Read MoreWednesday of Holy Week 2010. The sound of shrill trumpets and thunderous drums fill the air as marching bands accompany the Easter processions around the streets of Cordoba. Rising above it all is the minaret turned belltower of the mosque-cathedral: a potent symbol of Spain’s mixed religious heritage.
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